Students at Risk

Students at Educational Risks

West Morley Primary School is an inclusive school which has a commitment to ensuring all children are provided with a holistic, balanced curriculum that encourages all children to be successful and confident learners. All students however have the potential to be at educational risk at some point. Clear processes are in place to ensure early identification and ongoing support is provided for all children that may experience being at educational risk.

Parents will be informed by the class teacher if a child is identified as being at educational risk. Parents/guardians will be provided with ongoing, accurate and relevant information regarding their child’s learning.

Our school has a Learning Support Coordinator who works with teachers, parents and support agencies to implement effective teaching and learning programs for students with specific learning difficulties and disabilities.

School Psychologist

West Morley Primary School has the services of a school psychologist and is available to support students achieve academic success, psychological health and social and emotional well-being. The school psychologist’s role is diverse and can include counselling, consultation, assessment, referral processes, and the evaluation and management of critical incidents.

All school psychology referrals must be made by the classroom teachers and are managed by the Learning Support Coordinator. Parental/carer consent is required prior to the school psychologist’s engagement.

School Chaplain

Our School Chaplain is available 1 and half days a week. An overview of the Chaplain services is available from the school office.