Reporting to Parent Initiatives
Term 2 Semester 1 Report
Term 4 Semester 2 Report
Early Childhood Work Samples – Seasaw
This is a collection of learning and assessment tasks at various stages of completion. Explanation of this work may accompany them for Kindy and Pre-Primary students. All parents are encouraged to sign up, review and comment on their child’s work throughout the year.
Summative Reports
These report are is standardised throughout the state and provide families with students in Pre-primary to Year 6 a summary of the children’s progress and achievement during the year.
Parent/Teacher Communication
Teachers are always keen to foster contact with parents. This may be in the form of notes home or informal contact. Interviews with parents may be requested from time to time to discuss particular challenges that a student may have.
The major objective of these interviews is to work together to support your child in his/her learning. Similarly, you may request an interview at a mutually agreeable time to discuss important issues that may arise, please telephone our office for an appointment time.
Parent Teacher Meetings
The school uses an online booking system where time has been set aside for up to 14 meetings per teacher. These usually start at 3.05pm and finish at 5.15pm. Parents can book a time to meet with classroom teachers as well as specialist teachers for the areas of Music, Physical Education, Italian and Digital Technologies. Places for the specialist teachers are limited therefore it is recommended to book early should you wish to meet with one of our specialists.
Meetings are scheduled in 10 minute slots, with 8 minutes allocated to discussing the student’s progress and the remaining 2 minutes allowing changeover to the next appointment. Keeping to the allocated time is important to ensure all parent’s needs are met. Chimes will indicate the ending of sessions to ensure the meetings are kept to schedule.
These sessions are for parents/caregivers who have not had any formal meetings with the relevant teachers to discuss their child’s progress. Parents/Caregivers who already have regular contact with the classroom teacher through ongoing case conferences for updating of Individual Education Plans, or who have had formal meetings regarding their child’s progress this term, will not require a meeting.