We are required by regulation to contact parents for absentee notes. All absences should be explained either verbally or in writing. Letters will be sent home to parents requesting an explanation of any unexplained absences. Each Semester the school has to submit a return to the Regional Office.
For supervision purposes, students should not arrive before 8.30am and need to leave the school grounds promptly after the siren at 2.55pm. Arrangements for care of students outside of these hours can be made with our onsite before and after school care group Camp Australia.
Complaints Policy
Staff at this school are responsible for managing the resolution of complaints lodged with us. We will make every effort to promptly resolve disputes and complaints lodged with us according to the principles of procedural fairness. Where we cannot resolve a complaint, the complainant, Principal or Regional Director of Schools can forward written complaints to the Director General of the Department of Education.
Dress Code
West Morley PS has established a dress code for all students attending this school. By enrolling your child/children in our school you are entering into an agreement to abide by the policy that governs the uniform of West Morley PS based on the guidelines set down by the Department of Education.
Please see the Uniform Shop section of the website for information regarding pricing and opening times.
The school’s Homework Policy recommends students complete homework on a regular basis to support the classroom learning programs. Whilst we accept that homework is not compulsory we realise that this is an important avenue for parents to see what their child is doing at school. We would hope that parents would actively encourage the completion of all homework. The amount and type of homework is important. Children will be set work that teachers can reasonably expect them to be able to complete without undue assistance from parents.
In the junior year levels, any homework will be largely of an informal nature e.g. home reading, talking about their day or perhaps activity sheets. As the child moves into the middle and senior year levels, the recommended amount of homework gradually increases, however, the amounts are still relatively small i.e. 15 – 20 minutes in the middle levels, increasing up to 20 – 30 minutes per night by Year 6. If at any stage homework begins to cause individual or whole family pressure, please contact the school. Learning, particularly at this level, should be enjoyable.
Crunch & Sip
West Morley Primary School is an certified Crunch & Sip school. All students and teachers at West Morley Primary School enjoy a Crunch & Sip® break and eat fruit or vegetables and drink water in the classroom every day.
Parent Code of Conduct
It is expected that all in our school community display appropriate behaviour whilst on school grounds which would encompass language, violence, verbal threats and abuse, and non-compliance of Department and school policies.
Failure to comply can ultimately result in any person not displaying appropriate behaviour being requested to leave the school grounds by the Principal. Should the behaviour continue the person can be banned from entering the school premises via serving of a legal order.
Positive Behaviour
The school has formulated a behaviour policy that is reviewed regularly. It protects the individual child’s right to learn and feel safe in the school. Students are expected to take responsibility for their own actions. One set of procedures applies to the classroom and another for the playground.
Sun Smart
West Morley PS is a Sun Smart school. Students are required to wear a school endorsed Sun Smart hat when undertaking outside activities and apply sunscreen when outside for a long period of time. The students playground equipment, sand pit and nature play areas are all filtered from the sun for safe play during extended high UV periods.
Mobile Phones in School
The Department of Education does not permit student use of mobile phones in public schools unless medical or teacher directed educational purpose.
Mobile phones must be switched off and taken to the administration office before the school day begins and collected at the end of the school day.